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 The experience of successful implementation of experimental research work of our employees in obtaining academic degrees in academic institutions allowed to continue such activities in carrying out pilot projects for the needs of the industry.  

Full-scale tests of pipe sections with surface axial and circumferential notches to justify the concept "leak-before-break"

The full-scale tests of pipe sections (straight pipes, elbows, T-junctions) with surface axial and circumferential notches were performed to verify the developed limit load analytical models of corresponding pipe elements with crack-shaped defects and to determine the mechanism of possible fracture - "leak" or "break".

Estimation of bearing capacity of bellows tubular compensators

The deformation amplitudes in each layer are determined by means of the compensator finite element modeling. It is shown that the bellow external layer (as is proved by experiment) is the most loaded. It is defined according to the amplitude of von Mises deformations and fatigue curve of the bellow material that the bellow cyclic durability for tension-compression ±75 mm is up to 32 cycles.

Full-scale tests of pipe sections with surface axial notches, repaired with a split sleeve

Test objects: pipe section Ø377×9 mm with axial surface notch (depth 4.8 mm), repaired with a split sleeve Ø381×8mm.

Test aim: verification of the developed analytical limit load model of the defected pipe section, reinforced split sleeve.


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