Assessment of technical state of aerial pipelines crossings on the basis of diagnostics and analysis of the stress state
Implementation of a complex of works on the assessment of the technical condition of aerial pipelines crossings on the basis of diagnostic works, topogeodetic positioning of all elements and the construction of a spatial computer model for assessing the stressed state.
IPP-Center Ltd. performs a full range of services on expert technical diagnostics of underground crossings of main gas pipelines (UCMGP) of small and large diameter.
Visual-optical and instrumental types of non-destructive testing:
Complete complex of geodetic measurements and products
Calculation of stress-strain state for different operating modes of the pipeline
Calculation of safety factors according to SNiP 2-05-06-85 and other standard
Defect assessment according to DSTU-N B V.2.3.-21: 2008 and other standard
Calculation of the possibility of passing the diagnostic and cleaning device
Expert lifetime prolongation of UCMGP
A full range of services for expert technical diagnostic of the following UCMGPs has been completed:
- 25 UCMGPs in 2013-2014 for UMG PRIKARPATTRANSGAZ
- 3 UCMGPs for 2015-2016 for the UMG CHERKASSYTRANSGAZ
- 4 UCMGPs in 2016-2017 years for UMG CHERKASSYTRANSGAZ